Listing of my Botox Blogs in reverse chronological order
I figured, I should start by listing my blog posts, then select the best out of it and post them in BOLD. I’m writing this to you from Modesto, California.
I discovered that there are a lot more Blog posts than I had ever remembered. This is a work in progress – not done yet. I am just linking these pages by hand. There’s probably a quicker way. But this works for me too. It allows me to practice typing!
- Modesto Piano Playing – dexterity challenges – Car Wash Video. Believe it or not, I tried to combine a new christmas present of a camera, with a car wash, piano playing, and Botox dexterity
- Typing abiliity related to Botox injections? Showing off a bit of typing speed. Typing this blog helps my typing speed too. Although I’m really not trying that hard to type with tension or even that fast for that matter.
- How many units for crows feet Botox? A very common Botox question.
- Bumps after Botox? Ever get those bumps on your forehead after getting Botox injections? Well, it’s common to ask, and I figured I try to explain.
- Juvederm – just some basics on what is Juvederm. I didn’t go into the molecular details here. Perhaps another blog for that topic.
- A thank you letter form Allergan – more info about the Actavis takeover/merger.
- Yearly Botox growth 2014 – in terms of number of patients; not number of visits.
- The best Botox blogs. um, this page.
- How does Botox work? The biology of Botox!
- Can Botox cause botulism? Honey can cause botulism.
- Spending too much money on internet webpages? Try making your own! Because it really doesn’t cost all that much – but it does take a good amount of time.
- My life with Botox and cosmetic dermal fillers. I think it’s a reasonably good life. I don’t do trauma surgery any more. But perhaps someday I’ll get back into it.
- Who is Allergan? Allergan makes Botox and other products.
- Latisse as an adjunct to Botox eye treatments. How to apply Latisse video is located at this blog page.
- Skin aging infographic from Colorescience. How we age and what to do about it.
- Botox terminology: Glabella. Sometimes referred to as Glabellar – especially when there’s a word next to it, such as Glabellar Complex.
- Botox award from Allergan. They give awards for this? Sure I’ll put it somewhere in the office.
- Dexterity for Botox injections – Chopin? Chopin Etudes for exercising those delicate fingers required for Botox injections. You can take many things to a higher level. This is my attempt as a Botox injector. This isn’t a blog about getting Botox in the fingers of pianists. That might be another topic another day.
- Botox mailing list growth – I use mail chimp. This mailing list is more than just Botox, it has plastic surgery patients too. Conclusion – it’s about 47 patients added per month to the mailing list for all of Surgical Artistry. The post title is a bit misleading.
- Cosmetic procedures besides Botox. I wrote this because I had patients who were surprised that I do other things besides Botox. So here’s a few other things which I do which include Asclera, Belotero, Derma Pen, Obagi Blue Peel Radiance, Voluma.
- I didn’t know you inject Voluma? Of course I do, and I love it. It is a Juvederm product.
- Medical Botox vs. Cosmetic Botox, differences? This is just the on-label FDA uses. The off-label uses are a much bigger list.
- Monthly Botox chart – November 2014 update. I like to see things graphically so here a graphic.
- Botox Report: Number of Patients for the Month. Using the analytics section of Brilliant Distinctions. The month would be November, 2014.
- Does Botox Hurt? – this is a great question! I think most folks would say that it doesn’t hurt much at all.
- Botox Delivery – what it looks like in a box. Nope, not pizza delivery to our Modesto office.
- Botox WiFi? An original analogy that I made up to help explain more about how Botox works.
- What is Botox FDA approved for cosmetically?
- Belotero Balance Injection Technique – a unique method called serial puncture. I have yet another secret method – but that’s perhaps for another blog. I’ll probably call it “submarine attack.”
- Lowest price Botox? We compete on results, safety, comfort, customer service, positive attitude, and communication. Thus we hope to have the BEST VALUE.
- Botox didn’t work for my “11’s” – a discussion of when fillers are needed to compliment Botox in the Glabellar complex. And there’s a discussion of the difference between static and dynamic wrinkles.
- Email from Allergan about Actavis 11-19-14. Actavis to take over?
- Juvederm Voluma Injection Notes according to an Expert outside of the US. The lecturer was Dr. deMaio. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I really appreciated having the opportunity to see him lecture on a webinar. I particularly liked how he talked about using Voluma for “lateral support.”
- Best cosmetic Surgeon Award. Stanislaus’ Contentment Health Magazine had a first ever voting in the community of “bests” and we were given this award for Best cosmetic surgeon. Congratulations to everyone!
- Latisse Pricing changes at Surgical Artistry Modesto, California. Still a great price.
- Neotensil is now Available at Surgical Artistry. Under eye shape-wear.
- Juvederm Voluma for the Lips? This was a question we got over the phone.
- Botox in Modesto – where to get Botox? This is a list of 36 possible places to get Botox in Modesto. It seems that Modesto is Botox Central! I’m sure the list will continue to grow. I used lists from Find-a-provider from Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin. Just compiled this as a response to a question which I received in my office in Modesto, CA. The questions I receive are often inspirations for Botox blog postings.
- Cosmetic Fillers compared in terms of thickness. Fillers are different in many ways, and one of the ways that they are different is how thick they are. I rank them in the order of thickness – according to how I see it.
- Botox related products at Surgical Artistry. Basically a listing of injectables.
- What does an Allergan Botox bill look like? Botox and Juvederm can be expensive.
- Will I ever have more than 100 Botox Patients per month? I’ve already done this! Yay!
- Botox, Veins, and Acupuncture: How my time is broken up in the office. I’ve provided a pie graph.
- Why a patient would choose Surgical Artistry – Staff View. – So that’s what they think of me… I won’t say if any of this is actually for real, but this is what they said on email when recently asked to provide their thoughts.
- Muscles, nerves and Vasculature of the face for the Botox and Juvederm Injector.
- Facial Fat Compartment Anatomy for Botox and Juvederm Injections.
- After Botox, I have a headache. Headaches can be a side effect right after getting Botox injections.
- Allergan and Valeant – Letters against the possible “Vallergant” merger. Dr. Tammy Wu wrote one of the very first letters. I think this started the trend.
- Radiesse is back at Surgical Artisry. Radiesse is a wonderfu filler.
- Calvin Lee, MD Modesto Botox Surgeon Stats as a Botox injector. 2013 statistics.
- Modesto Botox 2013 in review. More about our Botox practice in 2013, including a discussion of overhead costs.
- Juvederm before and after picture for cheeks. This was before Juvederm Voluma.
- Axillary Hyperhidrosis Botox (excessive sweating) treatments in Modesto by Calvin Lee, MD.
- What to do in case of Dermal Filler Emergency. Really important page.
- Botox is now approved by the FDA to treat Crows Feet. But doctors have been injecting crows feet already for the past 10 years before FDA approval. That’s called off-label use of Botox.
- Botox Development built into Brilliant Distinctions. Our Allergan representative asked if I’d write a bit about Brilliant Distinctions and they got this blog.
- Botox in Modesto – Consider having it done by Calvin Lee, MD. This was the blog which inspired the home page of
- Belotero and Botox for around the eyes.
- Botox and Juvederm growth of about 60% per year for the past 2 years. This is a good blog if you’re into tracking the growth of a Botox/Juvederm practice and if you like bar charts.
- Growth Rate for our Modesto Botox, Juvederm, and Latisse practice.
- Botox and Juvederm informational event at Surgical Artistry. The Botox rep keeps wanting me to do another even like this wihch was in August 2013. This blog keeps some of my notes regarding the event and also has some FaceBook screen captures of what people thought of it.
- Attributes of Highly Effective Botox Injectors. I decided to stalk famous injectors as if they were celebrities. For the past 2 months. I went around the country to participate in lectures, courses and conferences regarding Botox, Juvederm, and other cosmetic injections. I also made it a point to personally get to know some of these injectors.
Superior BOTOX webpages which I’ve made:
- Botox muscles of the face. – study up!
- Botox from a Modesto violinist? – lots of info about Botox here including costs, and areas injected.
- Modesto Botox Home Page: – this page has some of my thoughts about being a doctor on there.
- What is Botox – the basics

Ideas for future blogs (notes to myself):
- What is Juvederm? A large family of filler products. Different products are available in different countries. I’ll be writing from the USA – specifically Modesto, CA.
- The surprised overly arched eyebrow look with Botox. How to fix that. Sometimes called the “M” look for the eyebrows. Or the “Spock look.”
- Brow ptosis (drooping), how to avoid and get the best of all worlds where the wrinkles go away on the forehead and the eyebrows stay up.