Botox Patient Charting
Background info
For fun, I like to see trends. And I like to use the functionality of an old Excel spreadsheet. I use Excel 2003 – it just seems most comfortable to me. I have updated version of Excel which I use but I still always seem to go back to the 2003 version. Just my preference. I make these charts based on data from Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions – I also keep track of other Botox Statistics related to our Modesto Botox Practice. I also have 2013 Modesto Botox Statistics. I’m getting ready for 2014 Botox Statistics, but 2014 isn’t completely over yet. In fact November isn’t over yet either, but the next working day is Dec 1, 2014.
The Botox Patient Monthly Chart

- The dip in September 2014 for Botox patients is due to a two week vacation away from the office. The much of the vacation was work related. With visits to other Botox practitioners, Acupuncture centers, and Qi-Gong lessons.
- The orange arrow was drawn in by hand; there was no mathematical method done for the rendering of that line.
- December 2014 is missing from the chart because December hasn’t come about yet.
- It’s interesting to see that the growth so far seems to be linear.
- The chart starts with the very beginning of 2011 where a large part of my practice included General Surgery, Veins, and Acupuncture.
Some generalizations from the BOTOX chart
Regarding our Modesto Botox – Plastic Surgery Practice:
- In 2011, the average number of BOTOX patients per month was 22.5
- In 2012, the average number of BOTOX patients per month was 42
- In 2013, the average number of BOTOX patients per month was 60
- In 2014, the average number of BOTOX patients per month is 82.9
- We await December to finalize the 2014 number above.
BOTOX Predictions
This linear growth will start to level off in 2015. Why? Because I am totally running out of appointment slots. That’s fine with me. I’ve made peace with the idea that I’m not aiming to be busier. I just am just aiming for higher quality with each visit. I’m looking forward to December 2014, and a New Year 2015!