New Kybella webpage

I made a new Kybella webpage.  It is actually mobile-friendly, unlike most of my other webpages.  I guess it’s time to modernize for me.  I have been making webpages since the 1990’s, and I’ve been pretty much making them the same way as when I first started.

Modernized Modesto Kybella webpage 

I made it 1/8/17.

My staff is tired of listening to me say that I made the world’s first Plastic Surgery webpage back in 1996 – although this is a self made claim.  I guess that isn’t too impressive these days anymore.  I actually found a copy of that webpage:  World’s first plastic surgery webpage designed by me.



What’s new with Botox for 2017


My 2016 Botox Statistics

I reached the Diamond level injection status – which is top 4% of Allergan accounts.  I’m happy to report that I injected 66,597 units of Botox for the year and almost 900 syringes of filler – I guess I should have just worked harder.  I pledge to continue to work harder to improve my skills.  Thank you to all those who trusted me with my surgical skills to inject Botox.  As expected, Allergan is going to raise their prices on the purchase of Botox for 2017.  This is an annual price increase which I’ve come to anticipate.