Allergan products purchased by our Modesto Botox Practice in 2014.
Allergan has a robust reporting system which can track your purchases throughout the year. The graphic below represents the amount of Botox, Juvederm Latisse, Voluma and breast implants purchased from Allergan over the 2014 year. However, not all these products were delivered in 2014. It is possible that some of these products have a “scheduled” shipment in 2015. Natrelles listed here are breast implants. There are other companies which sell breast implants, such as Mentor. Mentor is the maker of the memory shape implant and is a competitor to Allergan. In our Modesto Plastic Surgery practice, we carry a whole array of Mentor breast implants and have at our use many Natrelle implants.

In 2014, 365 bottles of Botox were purchased.
As for the Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus and the Juvederm Voluma – those are boxes of the product. There is more than one syringe in a box. More on this topic another day. As for the Latisse, it is in cases – many many Latisse boxes in a case.
Please feel free to visit us in Modesto.