Belotero Serial Puncture or Serial Killer?
Belotero offers a dual cross-linking process of the hyaluronic acid which offers a natural-even integration into the dermis.
This Belotero page is for Botox/Belotero injectors. And I’ve decided to call this Belotero injection method the “aerial dive bombing technique.”
I have my own version of this technique, but it’s more of a “submarine missile attack” (more on this someother day). Actually I personally think that my idea is superior – well at least in my small hands.
Injection technique with BELOTERO BALANCE is simple and accurate
When injecting using the serial puncture technique, it is important to remember the following:
- Penetrate the dermis just until the bevel of the needle is hidden.10
- The needle’s bevel measures 0.75 mm in length.*
- Typically, the dermis measures approximately 1.8 mm in depth.
- Once the bevel is buried, filler can then be deposited accurately within the dermis.
- Then repeat the process multiple times per wrinkle line.
*Bevel measurement based on the needle included with the BELOTERO BALANCE syringe kit.

For Killer results, consider the techniques above
and consider visiting us at our Modesto Surgical Artistry Botox Injection Center by Calvin Lee, MD